Murphy Anderson
Murphy Anderson (født 1926, død 2015) var en amerikansk tegneserieskaber, der startede ud med at tegne Buck Rogers striben helt tilbage i 1947. Han har i DC Comics blandt andet tegnet Hawkman, Superman, Batman og The Flash.
Han blev optaget i The Will Eisner Award Hall of Fame i 1999

Superman - original side 1 fra hæfte 254 - Curt Swan and Murphy Anderson
39.500,00 kr
Curt Swan and Murphy Anderson Superman #254 Splash Page 1 Original Art (DC, 1972). Superman charges towards an unidentified bright object glittering against the sparkling stars of space.
Created in ink over graphite on Bristol board with an image area of 10" x 15". In Very Good condition, with marginal tape/adhesive residue, a discolored indicia paste-up, light toning, production tape and whiteout marks, and a discolored stat title paste-up.