John Watkiss
John Watkiss (født 28. juli 1961, død 21. januar 2017) var en britisk kunstner, som udover at være maler også arbejdede med tegneserier og filmproduktion. Hans karriere førte ham fra kunstner for grafiske romaner til storyboard-kunstner og karakterdesigner. Han er uden tvivl bedst kendt for sit visuelle udviklingsarbejde på Tarzan. Men han lavede også story board til blandt andet Walking Dead serien.

The Walking Dead - original production art featuring Michronne - John Watkiss
950,00 kr
While the now iconic television series has enthralled millions, its origins began in illustration. While comic books can be quite cinematic in structure, adapting them to the screen still proves problematic for many films and tv series. For instance, certain elements that worked great for the comic, might read differently to a television audience. This collection of production art is a rare opportunity to own official Walking Dead artwork from the talented John Watkiss.
Size: 21 x 29 cm.
John Watkiss pencils, inks and mixed media on red board. SIgned and in good condition.