Chris Browne
Christopher Browne (16. maj 1955 - 5. februar 2023) var en amerikansk tegneseriekunstner og tegneserietegner. Han var søn af tegneren Dik Browne og bror til tegneren Chance Browne. Fra 1989 til 2023 skrev og tegnede Browne tegneserien Hägar the Horrible, som distribueres af King Features Syndicate

Hagar the Horrible - Sunday Comic Strip - Original Art - Chris Browne
7.500,00 kr
Chris Browne Hagar the Horrible Sunday Comic Strip Original Art is dated 10-29-06 (King Features Syndicate, 2006). Chris Browne continues the legacy of artistic distinction established by his father, Dik Browne.
Created in ink over graphite on Bristol board with an image area of 38 x 25 cm. There are whiteout marks, smudges around the borders and in some panels, irregular trim on the top and left edges, and toning on the bottom left and right margins. Otherwise in Excellent condition.