It's a Bird - side 6 - original art - Teddy Kristiansen

14.750,00 kr

It's a Bird - side 6 - original art - Teddy Kristiansen

14.750,00 kr

It’s a Bird” er en grafisk roman skabt af forfatteren Steven T. Seagle og Teddy Kristiansen. Udgivet af Vertigo Comics i 2004, historien er en semi-selvbiografisk udforskning af Seagles personlige oplevelser og overvejelser om Huntingtons sygdom, sammenflettet med mytologien om Superman.

Fortællingen dykker ned i forfatterens kamp med sin families historie om Huntingtons sygdom og hans overvejelser om dødelighed, identitet og arv. Den grafiske roman er rost for sin dybe, introspektive historiefortælling og Kristiansens karakteristiske, ekspressionistiske kunststil, som tilføjer et dybt følelsesmæssigt lag til historien.

Siden er på 24 x 33.7 cm og udført med guache og blæk. Signeret af Teddy i nederste højre hjørne. Teddy vandt en Eisner Award for sine illustrationer til It's a Bird.


"It's a Bird" is a graphic novel created by writer Steven T. Seagle and Teddy Kristiansen. Published by Vertigo Comics in 2004, the story is a semi-autobiographical exploration of Seagle's personal experiences and reflections on Huntington's disease, intertwined with the mythology of Superman.

The narrative delves into the author's struggle with his family's history of Huntington's disease and his contemplation of mortality, identity, and legacy. The graphic novel is acclaimed for its deep, introspective storytelling and Kristiansen's distinctive, expressionistic art style, which adds a profound emotional layer to the story.

"It's a Bird" received widespread acclaim for its deep, introspective storytelling and unique artistic style. Teddy Kristiansen won the prestigious Eisner Award in 2005 for Best Painter/Multimedia Artist for his work on this comic.



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